Sunday 28 October 2012

No.20 South Extension Part I, New Delhi

In January 1968, Shri Nathji stayed in a rented accommodation at No.20 South Extension Part I, Housing Society, New Delhi. He was on the ground floor and it was a fairly comfortable place with two bedrooms and a large hall. Pran Nath and Priya Nath took one bedroom each while Shri Nathji began to reside in the big hall. It was there that people came and met him. He preferred this arrangement so that Pran Nath and Priya Nath could lead their independent lives without being disturbed by the visitors who came to see him.
This house belongs to Mr. V. K. Ralli. He now resides at first floor with his wife, Mayavati. He has now sold the ground floor, which Nathji had rented. This ground floor is now converted into a PG for girls by the present owner. HH Shri Mahaprabhuji and HH Pran Nathji and HH Priya Nathji stayed at No. 20 South Extension Part 1 Housing Society at the house of Mayavati Landlady, for all of 1968 and the start of 1969. However the stream of visitors in the crowded area had become so large that it was impossible to get any rest there. HH Shri Mahaprabhuji was recovering from severe bronchitis in the dark unhygienic rooms. In Jan 1969 they shifted to Lodi Hotel and stayed there for about 3 months till  March 1969.
Shri Nathji’s devotee from Delhi, Shri. Charukant Sharma had gone and interacted with Mr. And Mrs. Ralli. When he went to meet them, that time they were busy entertaining one of their guest. Still they were courteous enough to invite him into his house and offered him to sit and have a small conversation. Mr. Ralli has also shared his cell number with Shri Charukant Sharma.
Mr. Ralli still has found memories of Shri Nathji's stay in ground floor of their three storied house. Mr. Ralli still remembers divine aura of our Lord. In his own words, he said about Shri Nathji that "He was a very transparent and pleasant personality".  Mr.  Ralli is a staunch Arya Samaji, so he doesn’t believe in the concepts of Avatars and only saw Shri Nathji as a spiritual personality. He was able to recall sweet sounds of HH Priya Nathji's piano and his interactions with HH Pran Nathji, Mrs. Ralli was recalling her interaction with Dandewali Ji. He was able to recall sweet sounds of Priya Ji's piano and his interactions with Pran Ji, Mrs. Ralli was recalling her interaction with Dandewali Ji (Gagabai Bhatt). Gangabai Bhutt had come at the residence of Shri Nathji at South Extension and expressed her great sorrow at Mateshwari’s going. She narrated how distraught Bhutt Sahib had become at Shri Nathji's going abroad. This was the first time she met Shri Nathji after He returned to India.
Underneath are photographs of the same house, -provided by Shri Charukant Sharma.

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