Friday 27 July 2012

Rai Bahadur Ugrasen

Rai Bahadur Ugrasen was a famous barrister and businessman who was honoured with the title – Rai Bhadur by the British. He becomes the Chairman of Dehradun Municipality in the 1930’s. He is remembered as one of the best Mayors of Dehradun and his period of administration is regarded as the Golden period for development of Dehradoon. As chairman of Dehradun Nagar Pallika he built the two main shopping malls, Manda House Complex on a part of old Nashville Estate and Astley Hall Shopping Mall on Rajpur Road. He is also credited with bringing piped water into Dehradun municipality. He also had active support of two of his other close philanthropist friends who were his mates at AP Mission School. They were Rai Bahadur Chaudhary Sher Singh who was the chairman of the District Board. As chairman he took development to the rural areas. Most of the major roads in the villages were built during his time. He also opened many schools in the villages. His other friend Barrister Darshan Lal was the chairman of Mussoorie City Board. He increased the power generating capacity of Bhatta Falls. During his chairmanship the Dehradun-Mussoorie Road was extended up to Kingcraig from Bhatta. He was also instrumental in building the Landour Clock Tower. A road was named named as Rai Bahadur Ugrasen Marg  by the residents of Dehradoon in honour of his services.
Rai Bahadur Ugrasen become greatly devoted to Shri Nathji and used to pay visit at Shri Nathji’s bungalow in Dehradoon.  His association with Shri Nathji is mentioned in the Mahagranth - God Incarnate on page 342 – 343. There was a time in 1934 when he had send a sack of rice to Shri Babaji Maharaj and Shri Nathji who were residing in Amritsar. However the sack was lost on the way and did not reached Shri Nathji. When he met Shri Nath afterwards he said that as Lord Krishna you had snatched the bag of rice from Sudama but you got my rice thrown out of the train. I am so unfortunate.  To this Shri Nathji replied that your rice was accepted even before it reached the destination.
Rai Bahadur Ugrasen was called the builder of Dehradoon. A road was named named as Rai Bahadur Ugrasen Marg  by the residents of Dehradoon in honour of his services.


  1. Would love to know where you got this information as he's my great grandfather email me at

  2. Replies
    1. Hi I'm I am Shagun Vari Guptas son,Samridh is my nephew

  3. Can you please share your contact details?

    In case of any other interesting memories related to Dehradun, please do share.
